Consider Using Print as Part of Your Sales Strategy
February 4, 2020
The start of the New Year offers a fresh start, and more importantly a chance to grow and retain business from last year! By now you probably already have a sales plan, or are working on creating and implementing your strategic plan. You’ve identified your key customers and are trying to convert prospects into customers.
If you’re reading this, that probably already means you’ve considered adding some form of print to your business strategy and are validating Viridiam’s track record of printed excellence. As you’re creating your message and choosing methods to reach your intended audience, know that you’re going to have to mix it up and be creative.
Print remains one of the most trusted forms of marketing, is physical medium with a tactile touch and feel, and can be completely customized to what works for you. Going on a cold-call and want to leave something behind with your contact information? We can create an icebreaking brochure to introduce you. Does your company already have a mix of printed collateral and needs a carrier to present your materials? We have a number of options for expanded pocket folders that can be vehicle for your products and create a lasting impression. Have you ever met with a customer and described a longstanding or new product, and they uttered the phrase, “I didn’t know you could do that”? We can help you print, and mail catalogs and postcards to customers across the country to spread the word of your goods and services.
We’re excited you’re viewing our new web page, and we look forward to seeing what we can print for you. Our blog will be updated regularly, so look forward to updates throughout the year. Please reach out to us to see how we can help integrate print into your sales strategy!