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Sustainability: More Than a Buzzword

September 14, 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the packaging and printing industry plays a pivotal role in the global economy. Its impact goes beyond just commerce, extending into conversations surrounding environmental and social impacts as well.

As environmental concerns escalate and consumer awareness grows, the importance of sustainability in the packaging and printing industry shouldn’t be overlooked.

More than a buzzword

Here are the top three reasons why sustainability is more than a trend in the packaging and printing industry.

Environmental Impact

One of the main reasons sustainability has become such a crucial topic in the packaging and printing industry is its direct impact on the environment.

Traditional packaging materials, such as single-use plastics, harmful printing chemicals, and non-recyclable materials, have negatively impacted ecosystems around the world since mass production methods became commonplace.

The packaging and printing industry’s transition towards sustainable practices, including the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials, helps reduce pollution and lowers carbon footprints.

This not only preserves natural resources, but also mitigates the adverse effects of climate change and protects global ecosystems.

Consumer Demand

Consumer preferences are shifting towards products and processes that prioritize environmental friendly practices. Today, consumers are not only interested in the products they purchase but also how those products are produced and the impact of that production.

Companies that prioritize sustainability in their packaging and printing processes are more likely to attract and retain not only the truly environmentally-conscious customers, but those who may use it as a differentiator when choosing between two companies – favoring those focused on sustainability.

Embracing sustainability can also enhance a company’s image, fostering goodwill among consumers, investors, and stakeholders. A positive reputation for environmentally responsible practices can set a company apart from its competitors, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

This demand for eco-friendly options has forced the packaging and printing industry to adapt, making sustainability not just a choice but a business imperative.

Regulatory Compliance

Governments worldwide are enacting stricter regulations and standards to combat environmental degradation.

Companies within the packaging and printing industry should comply with these evolving regulations to avoid legal consequences and maintain public trust.

By proactively embracing sustainability, companies can stay ahead of the regulatory curve, reduce compliance risks, and demonstrate their commitment to responsible business practices.

Sustainable practices in our everyday operations

At Viridiam, we’re continually improving our processes to produce a more environmentally friendly product. From recycling initiatives in our building to the equipment, sustainable practices have been implemented in every aspect of our business. We ensure any scrap or excess materials are reused or recycled – only disposing of materials in traditional methods when absolutely necessary.

Our corrosive chemical output has been reduced to zero as we no longer use any chemicals in our plate making process. We have also transitioned to utilizing soy-based inks only. This renewable ink source is said to last longer and is easier to remove during the recycling process, allowing more paper products to be recycled at the end of their life.

Sustainability is no longer a trend; it is a foundational shift towards responsible business practices. By reducing negative environmental impacts through sustainable production practices, conserving resources, and staying aware of evolving consumer preferences, businesses are more likely to thrive in a future where sustainability is an expectation rather than an option.